MOnthly Guild MeetingS
The 2025 General Meetings alternate each month between morning and evening meetings. Morning meetings are on the fourth Tuesday of January, March, May, August, and November. Evening meetings are on the fourth Thursday of February, April, July, and October. Meetings are held at the South Valley Multipurpose Senior Center and via Zoom.
Morning meetings are at 9:30 am in the months of Jan, Mar, May, Aug, and Nov.
Evening meetings are at 6:30 pm in the months of Feb, Apr, Jul, and Oct.
NOTE: Please double check the calendar if you a planning to come for the first time! Updated schedule should be on the homepage.
Exceptions to the monthly meeting schedule are as follows:
June - Membership retreat
September - Sheep to Shawl at the State Fair
December - Membership Holiday Party
Guests are always welcome at our meetings…come see what we do and join the Las Arañas spinners and weavers guild!
Meeting Guidelines:
- See the president before a meeting of you have an announcement. Keep announcements short.
- President sets the agenda for the meetings.
- Minutes of the previous meeting shall be printed in the newsletter.
- Children are not encouraged to attend meetings. If a member must bring their child, the member is responsible for the child's conduct. If the child disrupts the meeting, the member and the child are expected to leave the meeting.
- Officer elections: To run for office you must have been a member for one year and have served on a committee or on the board.
- Dues: All membership dues are to paid by the end of the December for the following year.
- Workshop sign-up. Non-members will be allowed to attend workshops after members have registered.
Monthly meetings are held at:
South Valley Sr. Center, 2008 Larrazolo Rd. SW