Weavers Review 2020
The next sessions of the Weavers’ Review are
February 15—Loom types (video by Tom Knisely) and weaving sources. (Nancy Brouillard)
March 14—Winding Warps: demonstration an a warping board and warping reel Ruth will demonstrate how to wind a painted skein to make the colors line up for a scarf or shawl. (Nancy Brouillard & Ruth Ronan)
April 4—Warping Back to Front. (Cathlena Burr April 18—Warping Front to Back. (Ruth Ronan)
May 16—Tie-up and Weaving, How to read a Weaving Pattern. (Nancy Brouillard & Ruth Ronan)
June 6—Using Computer Programs for Weaving. (Ruth Ronan & Nancy Brouillard)
June 27—Warping a Sectional Beam and using a Computer Driven Loom. (Linda Young) at Linda’s home: 416 Aliso Dr. SE. directions in the newsletter
Most sessions start at 1pm and are located at Ruth Ronan’s house unless otherwise specified, Please see the Newsletter for more information
February 15—Loom types (video by Tom Knisely) and weaving sources. (Nancy Brouillard)
March 14—Winding Warps: demonstration an a warping board and warping reel Ruth will demonstrate how to wind a painted skein to make the colors line up for a scarf or shawl. (Nancy Brouillard & Ruth Ronan)
April 4—Warping Back to Front. (Cathlena Burr April 18—Warping Front to Back. (Ruth Ronan)
May 16—Tie-up and Weaving, How to read a Weaving Pattern. (Nancy Brouillard & Ruth Ronan)
June 6—Using Computer Programs for Weaving. (Ruth Ronan & Nancy Brouillard)
June 27—Warping a Sectional Beam and using a Computer Driven Loom. (Linda Young) at Linda’s home: 416 Aliso Dr. SE. directions in the newsletter
Most sessions start at 1pm and are located at Ruth Ronan’s house unless otherwise specified, Please see the Newsletter for more information
Weavers Review General Rules
Weaver's Review Leader is Nancy Brouillard. Las Arañas New Weavers Initiative Taskforce Weavers’ Review is a set of programs designed to “review” the process of weaving. The programs are NOT beginning weaving classes. We assume you have, at least once, wound a warp, threaded a loom and woven a piece. It may have been two months, two years, or twenty years ago. But you are aware of the basic process to set up a loom to weave.
Also, these are demonstrations only, not hands on. They are “Reviews.” Most of the programs will be held on Saturdays from 1:00 – 4:00 PM at the home of guild member Ruth Ronan.
Weavers Review classes are offered in the spring of the "even" numbered years.
Though the programs are FREE to participants, there are only a few caveats:
Also, these are demonstrations only, not hands on. They are “Reviews.” Most of the programs will be held on Saturdays from 1:00 – 4:00 PM at the home of guild member Ruth Ronan.
Weavers Review classes are offered in the spring of the "even" numbered years.
Though the programs are FREE to participants, there are only a few caveats:
- Please first contact Nancy Brouillard. This is because we plan to have fairly detailed notes for each session. We want weavers to watch and not have to have their heads down writing. We’ll need to know how many copies to print and how many chairs to set up.
- You must be a Guild Member to attend. Attend as many sessions as you can. They will not be tied to one another and missing one will not cause problems. For example, you do not need to attend the “Winding Warps” mini-workshop to attend the warping workshops. But attending all of them should give you more confidence to warp a loom and weave a project.
- We’ll want feed back, both from those attending and those who could not, so that we can pursue further programs.This is the fourth time we have offered these programs. The feedback from the three times was great. They are fun programs to teach and to take. So please attend all you can. We’ll look forward to getting to know you better.